Random shots. Odd thoughts.

Beautiful images, shots of life around me and the thoughts often crowding my head.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Life. Don't leave home without it.

I've been MIA, I know. I could say it's due to excessive living. It's not. I just, well, to be honest, sorta forgot about this.

Why is it so hard to grow up? Or, I should say, to be an adult. Well, to act as an adult and enjoy it. Not that I want to be a kid... all that being bossed around would be a pain. But everything is sorta figured out for you, no major life-altering decisions need be made by you. That's what parents are paid to do. I think.

There's just so much to figure out; understand; master! Just the thought of it tires me. Work. Bills. Cars. Insurance. Taxes. Deductions. Pre-tax contributions. BoyMen. Shoes. Clothes. Thin or fat. Cholesterol. Blood pressure. Merlot or Pinot Noir. Friends. Enemies. Interests. Ambivalence. Make it stop!!

Just when I'm sure I'm getting the hang of it: BAM! Something else/new creeps up. I'm not complaining about life, not mine anyway. I'm just venting, that's what this is for, right? So I have a designated place for every idiotic or genius thought that crosses my brain.

My life is good, there's room for improvement, but my glass is definitely half full. I am not one of those people who revel in doom and gloom. Can't do it. Don't do it. Which is not to say I don't have those days when a razor to the wrists seems a tantalizing idea, I just have more days when it's someone ELSE's wrists. Yeah, I know. I'm dark, I can't help the complexion my parents gave me.

I'll be the first to admit I don't always practice what I preach. I'm not living to my full potential. I know that, I've acknowledged it, I own it, now get off my back! I'll get to it one of these days.

About this shot: Bird feeders at the Japanese Gardens - San Francisco


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