Random shots. Odd thoughts.

Beautiful images, shots of life around me and the thoughts often crowding my head.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Up. Down. Static.

That summarizes my quest for weight loss. If I got on a treadmill and ran after it I'd probably succeed, but I hate treadmills, so I'm fat. I hate exercising. HATE IT. Not even with a passion, I don't muster enough emotion for that.

I've recently discovered I do enjoy the way I feel POST exercise. I wonder is someone has figured out a way to bottle that feeling and sell it. I'd be America's Next Inventor if I had a clue as to how to go about it.

My health is (has been) suffering due to my weight and I want to live a long life, there's just too much I want to do before croacking. So I've been trying to replace bad habits with good ones. I've been exercising, I've reduced the amount of alcohol I drink, and I've been paying closer attention to what I eat. But when I read and read and read about all the variables to successfully lose weight, I end up frustrated.

I'm not looking for an easy way out, a pill that will make it all disappear. I know and understand that's not the answer, particularly not in the long run. But I kinda need some clues, a map of some sort, something to point me in the general direction of success.

So I keep reading, and reading, and reading, and looking for the right door.

About this shot: Entrance to La Catedral ~ Seville, Spain


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