Random shots. Odd thoughts.

Beautiful images, shots of life around me and the thoughts often crowding my head.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Momma can smell it.

There's a Jill Scott song that cracks me up every time I hear it. In it she talks about making crazy love to her man all night long, then waking up famished, to find there's no food in the house. Out she goes to the store, as she walking there, she's reliving the previous night, she's thinking about what's coming next, and relishing the fact that she can actually smell all the sex that was had.

She gets to the store, picks up a few things, while she's checking out, it's apparent the cashier also recognizes the scent as that of the man she's been fucking. That song came to mind yesterday as I got home and undressed to shower again and head out, because I could still smell him on me. Condoms were used, showers were taken, slightly scented lotions were applied, perfume was spritzed on all pulse points, hours had literally gone by, but I still had sexaroma on me at the end of the day.

Then I couldn't stop laughing and it hit me. That's how mothers know when their daughters have been getting some; they REALLY CAN smell it on you, hours and lots of water & soap later.

About this shot: Columbus monument & Trump Tower ~ New York


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