Random shots. Odd thoughts.

Beautiful images, shots of life around me and the thoughts often crowding my head.

Monday, April 17, 2006


I wonder about people out there looking for their soulmate. The One; not The Matrix version, but their own, real life, One and Only, perfect mate. Do we get a different soulmate for the various areas of our life? We should, because what are the chances you'll find that individual that's gonna fit you like a glove. Call me a cynic, but that seems unlikely; most of us end up with the OJ 'if the glove don't fit you must acquit' glove.

I don't want someone exactly like me, but then again, I don't think someone completely opposite would do either. And my physical soulmate, may not be may intellectual one. Where IS this soulmate? Am I supposed to find him in the US, since that's where I live? What if he lives in some obscure town in Minnesota? I'd NEVER find him, I've got no reason, or desire to visit there. What if he's stuck in Tierra del Fuego?!! I'm screwed!

That's why, I don't believe in soulmates, too much left to chance. Too many doors to walk through. My odds of winning the New Jersey Power Ball are way better.


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