Random shots. Odd thoughts.

Beautiful images, shots of life around me and the thoughts often crowding my head.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Oh, nice to meet you.

It's one of those days, the kind filled with "little surprises", close calls, and OOPS!

I've been fidgeting with this top all day, because, after I threw it on and got in my car to go to work, I decided it's hanging a bit low, but now it's too late to do anything about it. I've made it through most of the day without a major problem, when, on my way out of the breakroom, I make a tight left turn towards my office, but this room feeds right into a hallway... so I run into this guy --well, I came about 2" short of slamming into him, BUT he was about 5'4", and I'm wearing 2" heels, so I'm at about 5'6ish... he almost got a mouth-full of Frenchieboob.

I've been laughing ever since.

About this shot: My baby, Cinnamon. She used to make me laugh all the time!


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