Random shots. Odd thoughts.

Beautiful images, shots of life around me and the thoughts often crowding my head.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Friend and Foe

I had this friend when I was a little girl. She was my bestest friend ever. Then, as 8 year-olds often do, we had a fight. Don't ask me what it was about. We just did. We didn't talk for a long time. As an only child, losing friends was always tough, but I remember telling myself that it was her loss, not mine. That if she didn't want to be my friend, I was better off without her. Maybe I was, but sure didn't feel like it.

I committed a grave sin. I went against my own beliefs, violated oaths I held pretty close to sacred. I mixed business with friendship. I ignored the voice that said 'Caution' 'Trouble Ahead' and instead, opted to go out on a limb. Prove to myself that it doesn't always have to spell out disaster. Joke's on me.

I had this friend when I wasn't such a little girl. She was a terrific friend. Then we had a fight. No, we didn't even get to the fight, but I had a hand in firing her. I couldn't provide explanations beforehand, I wasn't given a choice to provide them afterwards. I was written off, as friends often are. Her loss? For sure. But mine as well.

Goodbye dear friend. I bid you peace, and love, and only good things.

About this shot: Massive rock along Highway 1 ~ Portland, OR


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