Random shots. Odd thoughts.

Beautiful images, shots of life around me and the thoughts often crowding my head.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I'm a junkie

A life junkie, that is. I'm on a kick to do things I never did before... or learn how to do them, rather; in some cases, just relearn them.

I've decided I should write (type) these out, to check 'em off as I go.
Swim lessons (done with beginner's level, on to intermediate)
Riding a bike (yes. bicycle)
Tennis/racquetball (or both)
Pool (billiards)
Figure out Americans fascination with football
Get into dance classes

You'll notice all of these activities, or most of them, are geared towards being active. Its my way of tricking my lazy ass into moving, dropping some weight and getting into life. Will keep you posted on my progress.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Stuck. Unstuck. Stuck!

How do i figure out what I wanna be when I grow up, when I wanna be 50 different things? I've just finished an article in the latest O magazine, its addressing the whole getting your life unstuck issue. And this is the question I came away with; maybe I need to write Oprah and ask for her take on this.

I may be exaggerating, just a little (I'm sure by now, you've figured out I have a flair for the dramatic). There are probably 5 areas that interest me a lot, talents I think I would be outstanding at. Make-up application (i.e. Makeup artist); Jewelry design/creation (funky stuff); article writing (specifically, for local periodicals, the type that tell you what's cool and happening around your town; articles about fashion, travel, dining, singlehood); party/event planning; teaching regular people how to cook & entertain, photography -- those are my interests, probably in the right order too.

I think I'd be really good at any of them, they all seem to come naturally to me, I just don't know which one is my passion, which direction to go in. Let's face it, I'm not young enough to give each of them a whirl. I wish I had a life coach. And 2 million dollars. OK, a life coach and $1.5 million.

Sigh. To get unstuck and figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Getting it on. Cyberstyle. Part Deux

OK. Here goes. I'm shy, sorta. I don't have the cojones to go up to some guy and make conversation. I've probably spotted my Mr. Right across the room, drooled over him, then let some other chica, the one with balls, steal him right in front of me. Instead of real life, I've opted for cyber-life; I've been on dating sites on and off for about 3 years.

I've had some fun, some really good sex, some really funny sex and lots of B.O.B. sex in between. I'm approaching the new 30, less than 2 years to go, I'm comfortable with my life. There are things and places I'd like to do, but I think I still have time. Men. I love them. I love the way a man looks, feels, smells. I don't, however, necessarily love the way a man behaves.

I should say, not ALL men. I'm referring to that guy who wants to - a) get some, b) get some and not worry about your feelings, c) tell you what he thinks you want to hear so he can get some. I've heard the whole 'I don't like games' bit, and, for the most part, I'm in total agreement. But you either learn to play the games, because, unfortunately, you have no other choice, or you get hurt, over and over. And over. And over again. Not so much my thing.

So, since I don't have cojones to talk to strangers, and the cyber pickings are beyond slim and slimmy, I think I'll be a fabulously single woman till kingdom come. And that's a OK with me.

Getting it on. Cyberstyle.

Sucks. That's all I can say about it. I've met some nice enough guys, but the whole premise of online dating is iffy at best. Yes, part of it IS my fault. I admit it. I'm not perfect, but some of these guys... HONESTLY! If I roll my eyes one more time due to some dumbass' lack of, well, brain power, my eyes may never come back to their righteous position.

I know, you're dying for details. Let's just say it's not one of those 'I can put my finger on it' type situations, just a general rant. I AM of a certain age, almost. I am a divorcee and I LOVE that status. I'm pretty independent, don't want permanent attachments, or so I tell myself, though a steady dick would be welcomed. But I just can't deal with a boy's whims. It's tough enough dealing with my own. Add to that a complete lack of common sense, and I'm ready to head for the mountains. And if you know anything about me, you know I'm a CITY GIRL through and through.

I promise to be more specific at a later date.

About this shot: A view of the Chrysler Building from Bryant Park, NYC