Random shots. Odd thoughts.

Beautiful images, shots of life around me and the thoughts often crowding my head.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Stuck. Unstuck. Stuck!

How do i figure out what I wanna be when I grow up, when I wanna be 50 different things? I've just finished an article in the latest O magazine, its addressing the whole getting your life unstuck issue. And this is the question I came away with; maybe I need to write Oprah and ask for her take on this.

I may be exaggerating, just a little (I'm sure by now, you've figured out I have a flair for the dramatic). There are probably 5 areas that interest me a lot, talents I think I would be outstanding at. Make-up application (i.e. Makeup artist); Jewelry design/creation (funky stuff); article writing (specifically, for local periodicals, the type that tell you what's cool and happening around your town; articles about fashion, travel, dining, singlehood); party/event planning; teaching regular people how to cook & entertain, photography -- those are my interests, probably in the right order too.

I think I'd be really good at any of them, they all seem to come naturally to me, I just don't know which one is my passion, which direction to go in. Let's face it, I'm not young enough to give each of them a whirl. I wish I had a life coach. And 2 million dollars. OK, a life coach and $1.5 million.

Sigh. To get unstuck and figure out what I want to be when I grow up.


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