Random shots. Odd thoughts.

Beautiful images, shots of life around me and the thoughts often crowding my head.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Friend and Foe

I had this friend when I was a little girl. She was my bestest friend ever. Then, as 8 year-olds often do, we had a fight. Don't ask me what it was about. We just did. We didn't talk for a long time. As an only child, losing friends was always tough, but I remember telling myself that it was her loss, not mine. That if she didn't want to be my friend, I was better off without her. Maybe I was, but sure didn't feel like it.

I committed a grave sin. I went against my own beliefs, violated oaths I held pretty close to sacred. I mixed business with friendship. I ignored the voice that said 'Caution' 'Trouble Ahead' and instead, opted to go out on a limb. Prove to myself that it doesn't always have to spell out disaster. Joke's on me.

I had this friend when I wasn't such a little girl. She was a terrific friend. Then we had a fight. No, we didn't even get to the fight, but I had a hand in firing her. I couldn't provide explanations beforehand, I wasn't given a choice to provide them afterwards. I was written off, as friends often are. Her loss? For sure. But mine as well.

Goodbye dear friend. I bid you peace, and love, and only good things.

About this shot: Massive rock along Highway 1 ~ Portland, OR

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Things in my head

There are things going on with me, rather, around me, right now. I don't like it. I don't want it. It's driving me nuts. Growing up sucks. Sucks rocks. Blows too. Not in a good way. Isn't it terrible to find yourself in an impossible situation, to rationally understand why it is working out the way it is, and yet just hate everything about it.

Doing the right or appropriate thing isn't easy.
About this shot: Picasso sculpture outside Daley Center ~ Chicago, IL